NiGK's ethical code
Companies are to serve society and at the same time to be the economic entity pursuing profits through fair competition. In other words, regardless of the location, the company, as a public institution, must above all else observe the rules, laws and fundamental philosophy embraced by society.
In July 2004, NiGK Corporation set our Ethical code as the fundamental rules to which all the employees and employers should observe in the light of professional ethics and the obedience to the rule of law. We have also set the ethical standards to be abided by in daily operations.
The ethical standard required by society for business entities is getting more strict. Because of that in March 2008, we revised the former standard to making the “NiGK ethical code” so that all company members continue making efforts and acting as a better corporate citizen for the development of the company while earning the trust of society. NiGK Corporation set the ethical committee for the following purposes
-Driving the company-wide observance of ethical laws and regulations-Developing business while maintaining high ethics to prove worthy of trust by society
-Deliberating and planning of basic policies related to the practices of the NiGK ethical code and reporting it to the president
-Making the code well known in the company